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The Proper Use of the Old Testament

Two types of doctrine are found in Scripture that are revealed through two Greek words used for different types of teaching; doctrine that is to be learned and practiced and doctrine that is to be learned, but NOT practiced.

“All Scripture is God breathed and profitable towards teaching, towards conviction, towards correction, towards child training in the righteousness” , 2 Timothy 3:16.

“Teaching” refers to information to be learned but not practiced. Conviction, correction and child training in the righteousness relates to doctrine that is to be learned and practiced.

“And having various gracious gifts according to the grace, the one given to you, whether prophecy, according as the portion of the faith, whether the one serving, in serving or the one teaching, in teaching…” Romans 12:6, 7.

“… and He gave the Apostles, and the prophets, and the evangelists, and the pastors even teachers…” Ephesians 4:11.

The “Pastor” and the “Teacher” in the Ephesians passage are the same person. It is the primary responsibility of the Pastor as the shepherd to teach doctrine that is to be learned and practiced; however, he is also to properly handle Old Testament information by teaching it as information that is to be learned, but not practiced. In addition to the Pastor properly handling the Old Testament information, God has proved others with the Spiritual gift of teaching who properly teach the value of the Old Testament information without abusing it by seeking to make it doctrine to live by in this day and age (Romans 12:6,7). This is not restricting doctrine to be learned and practiced to only a Pastor being able to teach it, but the Pastor is the primary method by which this type […]

The Proper Use of the Old Testament2023-12-10T07:25:07-08:00

Example (τύπος)

An example (τύπος) represents the broader category, principle, or concept it relates to by providing a concrete and relatable demonstration of quality and characteristics. Therefore, example (τύπος) can also be used for an imprint or pattern.

After some of the disciples saw the resurrected Lord, they informed the others who were not present with them that Christ, indeed, was raised from the dead. Thomas responded to their report by stating that unless he saw the imprint of the nails in Christ’s hands, he would not believe, John 20:25.

While the Israelites were in the wilderness, God gave Moses an example of how the Tabernacle in which God would dwell among His people was to be designed, Acts 7:44. The Tabernacle was a shadow of the real heavenly Temple and, therefore, had to be done in accordance with all that God told Moses, Hebrews 8:5.

Adam was a type of the One to come that would save all those who believe in Him. Through Adam’s sin, he condemned the entire human race, for we all sinned in Adam, Romans 5:14. In contrast to the death that Adam brought, through the one to come, who is Christ, all are made alive, 1 Corinthians 15:22. In Adam we died, but in Christ we live. These two types explain the relationship the human race has to its head. We are not individually created beings; instead, we are propagated and, therefore, subject to the likeness and image of our head. After Adam trespassed and sinned, he had children after his likeness and image, Genesis 5:3. Therefore, his children, including us, are born spiritually separated from God and subject to physical death. All those who believe in Christ’s death for sins and […]

Example (τύπος)2024-08-29T07:33:52-07:00

Not Striking against (ἀπρόσκοπος)

While Paul was defending himself before Felix against accusations from the Jews, he spoke of his conscience. He strives to have a conscience that does not strike at, hence, cause offense, God or men, Acts 24:16.

Although we understand that food does not defile a person, if someone lacks this knowledge, we are not to use our freedom to cause offense to ( a strike against) their conscience. Instead, whatever we eat or drink it is to be in a way that expresses a proper opinion of God, not striking against the conscience of the Jews, Greeks, or Church of God, 1 Corinthians 10:32.

As we grow in love our full experiential knowledge and perception abound more and more so that we are able to approve the things that differ. In doing this, we will live out the life we have in Christ in a sincere manner and without offense to another until the day of Christ as we are filled up with the fruit of righteousness that is through Jesus Christ, Philippians 1:10.

‘Not striking against’ (ἀπρόσκοπος) is a concept often translated in English as ‘not offending’. However, ‘offense’ is also used for different words, such as ‘scandalizing’ (Matthew 18:7), and ‘trespass’ (Romans 4:25). Therefore. it is important to discern what Paul is referring to when he states we are not to give offense to any of the races. ‘Not strike against’ is a negation of the word ‘to strike’, which is used of dashing a foot against stone, Matthew 4:6, or stumbling while walking at night, John 11:10. ‘Aproskopos’ is predominately use concerning the conscience. Paul strived to have a good conscience before God and men, that did not strike against them; therefore, does not […]

Not Striking against (ἀπρόσκοπος)2024-06-13T07:07:50-07:00

The God of the Bible

Three Persons, One Being

The God of the Bible is not a man, nor did He come from humans. Numbers 23:19 states, God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a son of man that He should rue what He has done. Has He not said and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not carry it out?

There is only one God. No others exist, nor have ever existed, beside Him, Deuteronomy 4:39. When Moses gave Israel the Law, he stated to Israel that God is One God, Deuteronomy 6:4. Through Isaiah, God states that He shares His glory with no one, Isaiah 42:8. The continuation of the nation of Israel shows that the God of Israel is the only One, for there are no others, 1 Kings 8:60.

The concept that God came from man or men become gods is a result of humans rejecting the knowledge of Who God is. Adam, Eve, and their children knew God, Genesis 4:4-5. They walked with Him. Noah and His sons knew God, Genesis 9:1. However, they decided that maintaining a proper understanding of Who God is was not something that was valuable to them, so they changed the glory of God into that of corrupt man, birds, four-footed animals, and creeping things, Romans 1:23. In their lack of appreciation towards God, they become futile in their rational, and their foolish hearts were darkened, Romans 1:20-21. Those who follow after false religions, including Atheism, have exchanged the truth of God for the lie, which is independence from God, and worship the creation instead of the Creator, Romans 1:25.

God is One and is not a human; however, being One, […]

The God of the Bible2024-05-21T16:16:33-07:00

The Truth Will Set You Free

In the Gospel of John, the author records a statement from Jesus to the Jews who believed Him. If they abide in His word, they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free.

Therefore, Jesus said toward the Jews believing Him, “If you abide in My word, truly you are My disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

The response of the unbelieving Jews was to refute their need for freedom immediately. However, all those who sin are slaves to sin, John 8:33. The sin referred to here is not the acts of sin that a person does. Instead, it is specific to the sin nature of a person. All those doing sin (the act of lawlessness) are slaves to the sin [nature].

As the steward of our dispensation, Paul is given instructions on how to have victory over the sin nature. In Romans chapters six through seven, he writes of his experience with applying the doctrine of the truth in comparison to how the law works against the sin nature. Through this, we clearly understand what Jesus was referring to as the truth. The truth is a specific doctrine that frees a person from slavery to commit sin so that he is able to produce righteousness.

The first aspect of this doctrine is to know. Those who abide, feel at ease, in His word must know it.

Know that we have died with Christ and have been raised to walk in newness of life.

Or do you not know that as many as have been immersed into Christ Jesus, into His death have been immersed? Romans 6:3

Therefore, we have been buried with Him through the immersion into the death, in order that just as […]

The Truth Will Set You Free2024-05-05T13:07:49-07:00
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